Course Description and Learning Objectives


Cognitive-behavioral Play Therapy incorporates cognitive and behavioral interventions within a play therapy paradigm. It provides a theoretical framework based on cognitive-behavioral principles and integrates these in a developmentally sensitive way. Specific problem-solving approaches are used, which help the child develop more adaptive thoughts and behaviors. This workshop will describe the integration of cognitive, behavioral, and traditional approaches to play therapy.  Attention will be given to both theory and techniques inherent in the cognitive-behavioral play therapy approach. Case video examples of play therapy with preschool and young school-age children with a variety of presenting problems will be presented to enhance the didactic portion of the course.


Learning Objectives:

  • Identify two of the cognitive interventions
  • Identify two of the behavioral interventions
  • Explain the six properties related to efficacy of Cognitive-Behavioral Play Therapy
  • Apply the therapeutic powers of play that are enhanced in Cognitive-Behavioral treatment of children  
  • List two major contributions of Cognitive-Behavioral Play Therapy
  • Create play therapy techniques to teach children how to manage stress.

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