Course Description and Learning Objectives


This introductory course is designed to present a broad, state-of-the-art overview of the field of play therapy. Topics include theories of play, therapeutic properties of play, developmental perspectives, history and major schools of play therapy, specific play therapy techniques and strategies, play equipment and materials, case illustrations, and empirical research.  Included in this presentation will be the use of Digital Tools for children to use and express through those tools feelings that they cannot verbally present in treatment. Videotapes of play therapy in action will supplement the didactic presentation.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify three major theories of play therapy.
  • List the four main groups of the therapeutic powers of play as change agents for play therapy.
  • Describe the difference between play therapy for children vs. talk therapy
  • Discuss three practical play therapy techniques
  • Describe two digital tools to use with children in play therapy
  • Demonstrate knowledge about play and play therapy – how to initiate and facilitate.

Play therapy is an effective therapeutic approach that enables children to express themselves, build rapport with the therapist, and solve their emotional problems through play. In today's digital age, the incorporation of digital tools into play therapy can enhance the therapeutic process even further. Digital tools such as mobile applications, virtual reality, and online platforms offer new avenues for play therapy interventions. They can provide a more interactive and engaging experience for children, allowing them to explore their emotions and experiences in a creative and safe environment.

One example of a digital tool in play therapy is mobile applications specifically designed for therapeutic purposes. These apps offer a wide range of activities and games that promote emotional expression, problem-solving skills, and relaxation techniques. For instance, a child may use a virtual coloring book app to express their emotions through colors and drawings. Another example is a mindfulness app that guides children through breathing exercises or relaxation techniques to manage stress and anxiety. These digital tools provide a convenient and accessible way for children to engage in therapeutic activities outside of the therapy room, offering continuous support and reinforcement of skills learned during play therapy sessions.

Virtual reality (VR) is another digital tool that has gained popularity in play therapy. VR technology allows children to immerse themselves in a virtual environment that simulates real-life situations or triggers. For example, a child with a fear of heights can confront their fear in a controlled virtual setting. This exposure therapy technique can help desensitize the child and reduce their anxiety over time. Virtual reality can also be used to create imaginary worlds or scenarios that reflect the child's experiences or concerns. This can provide a safe space for the child to explore and process their thoughts and feelings, ultimately leading to therapeutic insights and growth.

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