Course Description and Learning Objectives


Highly sensitive children may face unique challenges in their daily lives. They may be more prone to anxiety and stress, as they are more sensitive to the world around them. Simple tasks such as transitioning between activities or meeting new people can be overwhelming for them. Additionally, highly sensitive children may struggle with criticism or negative feedback, as they take it to heart more deeply. Another trait of highly sensitive children is their deep emotional awareness and empathy. They are often more in tune with the emotions of others, which can make them excellent listeners and compassionate friends. However, this emotional awareness can also make them more susceptible to feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions, both their own and those of others. This workshop will review the characteristics of highly sensitive children and review how play therapy can help the child develop more resilience, hold on to the positive, and fight off the negative stimuli.

Learning Objectives:

Participants will be able to:

  1. List three positive traits of highly sensitive children
  2. Describe three needs of highly sensitive children and how play therapy approaches them
  3. Compare and contrast the co-morbid disorders that can interfere with play therapy

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