Play Therapy Supervision: Models, Skills, & Clinical Issues

May 4, 2021 10:00AM-1:00PM


May 4, 2021

10:00AM-1:00PM Eastern Time

7:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific Time


Live Webinar

Course Materials:

  • one or two large pieces of white drawing paper
  • pencil
  • colored pencils
  • colored markers
  • or art medium you prefer (pastels, crayons, and paints if desired)
  • scissors, glue, magazines (optional)


This webinar will provide an overview of theoretically informed (psychodynamic, person-centered, cognitive-behavioral), developmental, and integrative models for providing play therapy supervision. Topics to be discussed include: characteristics and skills of effective play therapy supervisors; working with countertransference and parallel process; addressing compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and burnout; and self-care for supervisees as well as supervisors. Particular focus will be on developing a personal model for providing both in-person and telehealth play therapy supervision.

Learning Objectives:

  • Name three theoretically informed models of play therapy supervision
  • Describe the philosophy of developmental play therapy supervision
  • List three essential skills of play therapy supervisors.
  • Identify the difference between compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and burnout.
  • Describe two ways to help play therapy supervisees with compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma.

Your Instructor

Donna Cangelosi, Psy.D., RPT-S
Donna Cangelosi, Psy.D., RPT-S

Donna Cangelosi maintains a private practice with children, adolescents, and adults in Wayne NJ, where she provides psychotherapy, clinical supervision, and parent education. She co-edited Play Therapy Techniques, Volumes 1 and 2, The Playing Cure, Essential Play Therapy Techniques, and Prescriptive Play Therapy. Dr. Cangelosi is the author of Saying Goodbye in Child Psychotherapy and several chapters and articles on working with children of divorce and the theory and practice of psychodynamic play therapy,

CE Information:
Due to COVID-19 health concerns, this one-time online event has been approved by APT for (3hrs) CONTACT CE Hours. The Play Therapy Training Institute is approved by the Association for Play Therapy (APT) Approved Provider 95-002.

Please Note: The CE certificate will be awarded within 3 business days to those who attend the entire webinar, complete a multiple choice test, and fill out course evaluations. No partial credit will be given. Play Therapy credit may not be awarded to non-mental health professionals.

Effective May 15, 2020 through June 30, 2021, APT Approved Providers may temporarily offer "contact" hours for online continuing education." All of our Live webinars during this time period will meet APT's requirements to provide "Contact CE" credit. In order to be eligible, participants must keep their cameras on throughout the webinar. Please contact us with any questions.

For general information, special needs, or grievances, please contact Beth Couturier at You will receive a response within 24 hours

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