Techniques! Techniques! Techniques! Play Therapists are always asking us for more therapeutic interventions to do in the playroom. In response we have put together a comprehensive guide for many tried and true play therapy techniques.
Each technique includes the following:
- Theoretical Basis
- Appropriate Mental Age Range
- Appropriate Population to Use this Technique With
- The Therapeutic Power of Play that is Activated by the Technique
- An Explanation of Why the Technique is Beneficial for the Population
- A Written Description as Well as a Video Example of How to Use the Technique
- A List of Materials Need as well as Links for Where to Purchase the Materials
- Things to Avoid When Using the Technique
- A Description That Can be Used for Insurance/ Notes Purposes to Describe the Therapeutic Intervention
We will be adding more as they are completed so check back! We have over 60 that we plan on including!