Course Description and Learning Objectives


Play therapists often use art activities in their work with children. This workshop will explore similarities and differences between imaginative play and creating art in play therapy. Participants will gain an understanding of the progressive stages of artistic development, age-related developmental tasks, and hands-on experience with a variety of art activities for understanding children’s needs and using play therapy to help them to heal.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify significant similarities and differences between art and imaginative play for their work with play therapy clients
  • Explain the appreciation for the power of artistic expression in play therapy
  • Describe the progressive stages of normal artistic development in children
  • Identify at least one art therapy activity for establishing a therapeutic alliance with play therapy clients
  • Identify basic supplies needed to incorporate art therapy techniques into the play therapy setting
  • Utilize hands on experiences with at least five art therapy activities for use with play therapy clients

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