Course Description and Learning Objectives


All of us live through life's storms in one form or another. Certainly, Covid19 can be considered among the most significant of storms we have had to endure. There is no doubt that the emotional debris left behind can be significant. What we do and how we handle this metaphorical debris, with the children and families in our play therapy practices is significantly important.

While the emotional, neurological, and physical effects continue to garner major attention in our field of play therapy, two areas often minimized or overlooked are how "historical oppression" and “cultural resilience” have impacted the healing process with children, adolescents, and families in play therapy.

With a resiliency focus at its core, this webinar will utilize the strength-based, theoretical principles of Milton H. Erickson, elements of StoryPlay®, along with transcultural wisdom teachings to show play therapists how to inspire hope when hope seems elusive and restore inner balance, mentally, emotionally, physically & spiritually.  Additionally, participants will be provided with foundational approaches that will enable them to expand and deepen their ability to recognize and utilize a client’s inner recourses, develop culturally respectful metaphors, and weave creative activities into their play therapy practice. 

Learning Objective:

  • Activate a sense of hope and positive therapeutic attachment in the first play therapy session.
  • Identify five cultural elements that impact our work as Play Therapists.
  • Recognize, utilize, and nurture inner strengths as seeds for developing a storytelling metaphor for children and adolescents in Play Therapy.
  • Learn a culturally respectful StoryCrafts that can promote healing in play therapy.

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