Course Description and Learning Objectives

Course Description:

The need to help children who experience sensory dysregulation issues is a major emphasis in play therapy. This webinar will highlight ways in which play therapists can recognize and utilize the gifts and challenges of a child’s sensory preferences (conscious), minimal sensory cues (unconscious), as well those physical or emotional experiences that generate sensory blocks (out-of-conscious). Once identified, the metaphors and experiential activities (Living Metaphors) developed and offered in play therapy sessions will nurture and restore a deep sense of attunement to a child’s inner world. Case examples and experiential exercises will be interwoven throughout this webinar. Additionally, creative activity for creating inner harmony will be included.

Learning Objectives:

1. Recognize a child’s sensory preferences (conscious) during Play Therapy sessions.

2.  Utilize a child’s sensory preferences (unconscious) to retrieve inner resources and strengths.

3.  Learn how to identify and utilize two sensory minimal cues (unconscious communication) in play therapy.

4. Identify one way to ascertain a child’s blocked sensory system (out-of-conscious) in play therapy.  

5. Create a Living Metaphor that can restore sensory attunement.

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